Fourth Sunday Programme, 27th April, 2014 : ‘Meditations on Savitri’ and ‘Savitri’
Reading Circle
We continued with Book Six, The Book of Fate, Canto One : “The Word of Fate”. We meditated on
Pictures 9 to 14. In this section, Narad pronounces the dire fate of Savitri
with, "This day returning, Satyavan
must die." This word of fate had a dual reaction. From the human
mother of Savitri, there was an outpouring of emotions and a vehement cry
to have Savitri change her mind about the "fated
head", Satyavan, while on the other front, Savitri's will was steeled.
She replies, "If for a year, that
year is all my life, And yet I know this is not all my life..."
Following the viewing of the slides, we sat down in a circle and read the
passages a few times and engaged in sharing our thoughts and feelings on the
lines. There was one impressive painting with Narad looking skywards with
twelve mallards flying across his vision, in a single long line. This
beautifully depicted Narad's pronouncement of "twelve swift-winged months..." We marveled at how Sri
Aurobindo also brings before us a typical interchange between a mother and
child confronted with a situation such as faced Savitri and the queen mother.
Another beautiful line which took our imagination away was this cryptic one
which in a flash shows Savitri's purpose on earth, "...A heavy shadow float above the name Chased by a sudden and
stupendous light...".. The heavy shadow probably being the life of
ignorance and falsehood on earth, chased by the light, represented by Savitri
herself, the daughter of Light.
First Sunday
Programme, 4th May, 2014 : Readings of The Mother’s words from
“Steps to Freedom and Mastery” and OM Choir
We read the passages titled, 'Self-Seeing,
Not Self-Analysis', 'Self-Observing
and Self-Regarding' and 'Not Being
Self-Conscious While Doing' from the above book. It spelt out the
difference between self-analysis, a mental and intellectual process and
self-observation, which Sri Aurobindo explains as, "...a seeing of oneself and of all the living movements of the
being and the nature, a vivid observation of the personalities and forces that
move on the stage of our being, their motives, their impulses, their
potentialities, an observation quite as interesting as the seeing and
understanding of a drama or a novel, a living vision of how things are done in
us, which also brings a living mastery over this inner universe." The
Mother adds, "When one is no longer
a self-regarding being, an ego looking at itself acting, when one becomes the
action itself, above all in the aspiration, this truly is good." She
adds too, "But it is
difficult." One then knows what it takes, this self-observation and
resultant self-knowing. And knowing, we can prepare ourselves for this activity
of self-observation.
Second Sunday Programme, 11th May, 2014 : Readings
on Sri Aurobindo’s ‘Bases of Yoga’
This evening we started with the Chapter, 'Desire-Food-Sex', reading from pages 63 to 67. The main point from
today's readings were that "all the
ordinary vital movements are foreign to the true being and come from
outside". This truth would be known to us should we be living in our "true consciousness". In one's
state of ignorance, desires that arise from outside are mistakenly seen as "rising from the vital into the
mind" and here is the succinct message that explains the phenomena
further, "what belongs to the vital
.... makes it responsible is not the desire itself, but the habit of responding
to the waves or the currents of suggestion that come into it from the universal
We went a little
further into the idea of rejection and suppression. Rejection was when one "abstains from the action suggested, if
it is not the right action". Suppression was when the abstaining
"from the action suggested" were to be based on a hard moral rule or
a mental ascetic principle.
Last of all was offered the hope for progress:
"When the psychic being is in front, then also to get rid of desire
becomes easy; for the psychic being has in itself no desires, it has only an
aspiration and a seeking and a love for the Divine and all things that are or
tend towards the Divine. The constant prominence of the psychic being tends of
itself to bring out the true consciousness and set right almost automatically
the movements of the nature."
Third Sunday Programme, 18th May, 2014 : Readings
on Sri Aurobindo’s ‘Bases of Yoga’
We continued with the readings from page 67 to 70. This week, we
considered issues related to food. The key message was moderation, not "forceful suppression" nor willful
indulgence. The Mother advises, "It
is only when one stands back, separates oneself from the lower vital, refusing
to regard its desires and clamours as one's own, and cultivates an entire
equality and equanimity in the consciousness with respect to them that the
lower vital itself becomes gradually purified and itself also calm and
The Mother goes
on, "It is no part of this Yoga to
suppress taste, rasa, altogether. What is to be got rid of is vital desire and
attachment, the greed of food, being overjoyed at getting the food you like,
sorry or discontented when you do not have it, giving an undue importance to
it. Equality is here the test as in so many other matter."
We discussed our
own attitude towards food candidly and fell silent towards the end of the
session with meditation music.
- Jayanthy