Guiding Light of The Month

O Lord, how ardently do I call and implore Thy love! Grant that my aspiration may be intense enough to awaken the same aspiration everywhere: oh, may good- ness, justice and peace reign as supreme masters, may ignorant egoism be overcome, darkness be suddenly illu- minated by Thy pure Light; may the blind see, the deaf hear, may Thy law be proclaimed in every place and, in a constantly progressive union, in an ever more perfect harmony, may all, like one single being, stretch out their arms towards Thee to identify themselves with Thee and manifest Thee upon earth. - The Mother

This was a forefront of God's thousandfold house

Far wandering seekers on the Eternal's path

Brought to these quiet founts their spirit's thirst

And spent the treasure of a silent hour

Bathed in the purity of the mild gaze

That uninsistent, ruled them from its peace,

And by its influence found the ways of calm. (‘Savitri’)

There comes a time when we get restless of what the world has to offer and we seek for some thing beyond this ephemeral, trivial existence. We become 'seekers' trying to 'find' something beyond this. This spirit's thirst is what gets us to places like The Ashram, which vibrate with peace, beauty, silence. The moment one enters the ashram this peace and silence overpowers us with its vibrant presence.

A magic happiness flowed from their touch;

Oneness was sovereign in that sylvan peace...

In the luminous words of M.P. Pandit

“The moment people enter the gate, they feel something changing in them. Either they may feel an elevation, or a peace, or maybe deep happiness, but they do feel a change. As for a person who once felt that change there is no going back to what he was. Circumstances may not be in his favour, his will may be weak, but his soul has seen and one day the direction of his life will change.”

Traveller to a prefigured high event,

She seemed to her remembering witness soul

To trace again a journey often made.

Each of us must have made this extraordinary journey and have sought to quench our spirit's thirst. We all have our own special story or incident which brought us to the gate of the ashram and be overpowered by the silence, peace and beauty of the samadhi. Some would not have had any intention of coming but by some random events were 'forced' to come The Mother said that nobody COMES here, everybody is BROUGHT here. In the luminous words of M.P. Pandit

India is one such place where the contemplative moods and psychic atmosphere is very tangible, this is what makes thousands of people come to its shores. Why is it that India draws these "far-wandering seekers on the Eternal's path”? In the words of Mouni Sadhu

“This is easy to understand if we admit that no energy is lost in nature. Millions of human beings, often endowed with extraordinary spiritual powers, with a mighty radiating influence, have from time immemorial been throwing into the atmosphere of India streams of energy generated by their meditations. Also, since the thoughts of many inhabitants are directed towards superphysical aims all this creates a peculiar magnetism, especially in so-called holy places like the ashram and its surroundings.”

It is this magnetic atmosphere that draws us to the Ashram. Sri Aurobindo says that the development of the psychic being is what supports our spiritual life. Being in the atmosphere and aura of the samadhi is of great help in this process and acts like a electric power house to recharge our being.

“It is for this reason that it is necessary for those drawn towards this Truth to come here in order that they may receive the touch which will bring about or prepare the awakening of the psychic being - that is for them the beginning of the effective psychic contact.

It is also for this reason that a stay here is needed for many- if they are ready- in order that under the direct influence and nearness they may have the development or building up of the psychic being in the consciousness or its coming to the front.” (Sri Aurobindo on Himself and The Mother)

This 'touch' helps us to return to the outside world with renewed protection and guidance. However Sri Aurobindo warns that the influences of the outside world are not favourable to the psychic development and if the sadhak is not careful the psychic contact may be easily lost, retarded or diminished by adverse movements and influences.

This is why it is helpful to return to the "place of central influence in order to fortify or recover the contact or to restore or give a fresh forward impulse to the development. The aspiration of such nearness from time to time is not a vital desire; it becomes a vital desire only when it is egoistically insistent or mixed with a vital motive, but not if it is an aspiration of the psychic being calm, deep and without clamour in it or perturbing influence.” (Sri Aurobindo on Himself and The Mother)

We are living in extraordinary times, witnessing the disintegration of the old world in all aspects. The prophetic words of Sri Aurobindo ring true…

The frontiers of the Ignorance shall recede,

More and more souls shall enter into light,

Minds lit, inspired, the occult summoner hear

And lives blaze with a sudden inner flame...

And bursting into life! As M.P. Pandit said it is places like the ashram and individuals who have progressed who will become the stimulants for others to perceive this change of consciousness happening in a spectacular manner. He says that holy places and centres of spiritual energy will act like an electric power house.

“There is a sudden impact and an opening takes place. Thereafter you may go anywhere but you are not the same person who had come, something more. That is why people continue to visit a place like our Ashram even though Sri Aurobindo and The Mother are not here in their physical bodies. ...”

This was a forefront of God's thousandfold house,

Beginnings of the half-screened Invisible

A magic porch of entry glimmering

Quivered in a penumbra of screened Light,

A court of the mystical traffic of the world,

A balcony and miraculous facade. ( ‘Savitri’ )

- Sudha

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