Guiding Light of The Month

O Lord, how ardently do I call and implore Thy love! Grant that my aspiration may be intense enough to awaken the same aspiration everywhere: oh, may good- ness, justice and peace reign as supreme masters, may ignorant egoism be overcome, darkness be suddenly illu- minated by Thy pure Light; may the blind see, the deaf hear, may Thy law be proclaimed in every place and, in a constantly progressive union, in an ever more perfect harmony, may all, like one single being, stretch out their arms towards Thee to identify themselves with Thee and manifest Thee upon earth. - The Mother

From the Editor’s Desk

The theme of this month’s newsletter remains The Rainbow-Bridge as we continue with Part 2 of the inspiring and illuminating piece of writing by Sonia Dyne. It is fitting perhaps that this theme recurs, as it constantly does in our own lives, time and again. Each of its occurrence in our lives’ sphere, once the consciousness is bent towards a progressive mode, -not so much of the external circumstances of life, though this too will matter and be more determined than be a determining factor, but more from an inner perspective, of a constant aspiration of progression out of inconscience into a consciousness illuminated and all-encompassing, an aspiration that seeks the fulfilment of a deeper urge at union with the original Cause of one’s existence, in knowing who one is and for what reason here, embodied in an earthly existence - opens up new and vaster vistas to be conquered and mastered.
It appears that it is the idea of a continuously developing consciousness that seeks to be a bridge between the nature and the spirit in our own selves that is beautiful, that gives much hope and to an extent explains the muddle of existential questions we are constantly bombarded with in an age of much so called outer development and achievement and an inner desert starved of fulfilment, or a deep sense of joy of being and an all-encompassing love for all in us and around.

One has been let loose in a universe of myriad possibilities, kinds and orders, forever meeting up with an opportunity to being a bridge in many ways and not a mere bridge, but a rainbow bridge, a bridge that opens new paths into realms of beauty, joy and goodness, a bridge into tracks of a new creation to express the ever-new that is constantly born. Many have been our encounters with living bridges such as the Vedic Rishis, the Knowers and Seers. Our ages have seen them bridge the many spheres that en-ring our lives, which en-ring our inner Spaces and the spaces around us, both strangely demarcated by a physical frame, a wall of flesh and nerves and base matter or an Ego factor.

A bridge pre-supposes the existence of two separate spheres, two worlds, one known and lived in and one unknown and set in the future, near or far. The same bridge suggests that the two worlds can be bridged, the very raison d’etre of its existence. Are these vast spaces that separate and segregate, within and without, are these real or are these only perspectives from a looking glass, the looking glass simply being our changing consciousnesses? How does one know? Who is to be the guide? When does one start? How?

Savitri, NOW! Pat comes the answer, like a sharp and crystal clear tinkle in a silent space. The article on The Rainbow Bridge spells this out.

These are the many questions that a symbol such as the rainbow bridge throws at us in a happy reverie snaring us into an endless mode of eternal seeking.

It may well be that the journey starts right inside oneself, in the spaces within, with one bridge there, waiting to be traversed and like this, the gulfs can be reduced to familiar arenas conquered. And to then be able to flood them with the light from the highest available to ones that reveal a flip side of the abysses and the gulfs as storehouses of treasures once deep hid, now exposed.

And if in the inner spaces within, bridges and more bridges extend out into spaces now no more blocked by a separatist existence and where time ceases to have its ordinary meaning, the rainbow bridge would have been justified, its mission fulfilled .... But the greatest assurance is, there is HOPE in the Rainbow Bridge.

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